A sad week for the OD world

A giant has fallen and we would like to dedicate our newsletter this week to the memory of Edgar Schein. 

I cannot count the amount of times we quote him or reference his work in our programmes. It is impossible to talk about Organisational Culture without seeing his footprints somewhere in the conversation. When I scrolled through all the beautiful messages on his LinkedIn profile I was reminded of the Lily-pond metaphor and how much goes on ‘under the surface’ in all organisations.

We send our most heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, and we remain ever grateful for his incredible contributions to the fields of organisational development and leadership.

OD Talk – Tuesday 21 February 2023


We have some ideas that we would love to explore on this subject with you at our first OD Talk of 2023. Please join us on Tuesday 21 February

Join us to explore solutions to the “Quiet Quitting’ trend by getting this important topic on the EXCO agenda. Sign up for free and join us for an hour and a half of straight talk about OD. Join the discussion on Tuesday 21 February 2023 from 09h00 – 10h30. 


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