You can’t grow through uncertainty by doing it alone!

I read a great article on Linkedin this week, ‘Leading through uncertainty’ by Lee Naik, the CEO of Transunion Africa. There is so much out there on leading in or through uncertainty, complexity, volatility, etc. but this one was punchy and practical. He starts off by quoting Mike Tyson: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. I’m thinking a lot of us had that punch in recent years and some of us still need that punch to get ourselves unstuck!

What stood out for me was that one of his focus areas was to: “Build great teams and surround yourself with people you trust”. He also talks about learning the value of a truly great team in uncertain times.

How are your teams doing? Are they clear on what is expected of them in the ‘emerging normal’? Are your teams well equipped and empowered to function effectively in times of uncertainty? When was the last time you created time and space for your teams to work on the basics, like getting to know each other’s’ work styles and strengths, building trust and going slow in order to go fast? Yes, teams need to sometimes take a few hours of slow going (working on the soft stuff) in order to go fast and become a high performing team. Recognising the importance of this and providing such opportunities for your teams ensures sustainability and continuous high performance.

In a world where plans can be easily disrupted and unexpected challenges arise, Naik’s article serves as a reminder that successful leadership entails more than just a strategic vision and individual flexibility. It is the ability to build and nurture exceptional teams that truly sets leaders apart in uncertain times.

We love working with teams and we’re pretty good at it! We have team development programmes starting from punchy half-day sessions to longer programmes that focusses on specific developmental areas.

Let us know if you think your team(s) needs some ‘going slow to go fast’ Contact us on