Slowing down to get to High Performance

Last week I was fortunate to facilitate our Purposeful Teams program for a Mining client. I was reminded how powerful this programme is! 
When a team is lost in busyness and have not had time to breathe out, be together and anchor in their purpose, a great team leader will make time and space to heal and stabilise the team. We evangelise slowing down to go faster, taking the time to tend to the essentials. That moves teams toward high performance in a healthy, sustainable way. This is a very small (and wise) investment for a very big return!  
Last week’s delegates reconnected to their mission and to each other and then crafted the commitments they needed to move forward. 

As usual, we delivered the program over 2 x full days (with 2 x half-day follow-ups to come later).  On the morning of day 1 the team followed a process to anchor them in their mandate (why they exist and how they fit in to the bigger organisational picture). That afternoon we explored the team (collective) personality profile in relation to their mandate. On the morning of day 2 the team looked forward to their future,  co-creating the strategic priorities that will propel them forward. That afternoon they developed a project plan aligned to their strategic priorities, assigned roles, decided who they need feedback from and committed to their plan. 

Purposeful Teams is not a team building workshop, it is a team development programme. 

Big difference and much more impactful! The programme is extremely interactive and supported by expert process. Purposeful Teams grounds teams in their purpose, gets them talking, and aligns everyone on what needs to be done.  For more information on Purposeful Teams send us an e-mail or go to our website.