Your 2025 Strategy

Being South African, we do our best to “shut down” sometime after mid-December, and “start up” before mid January. It’s a national culture.

So – here you are. The first 10% of your operational year is almost behind you (an operational year being the days you actually have to work over the 12 months, discounting leave, holidays and general distractions). How is your strategy looking?

You should have a good idea of what you are trying to achieve in 2025. In strategy, these goals set the direction for the year. The best of us made sure this was clear before we shut down, and the rest of us look around for some direction as the busyness of the year (or for many South Africans – the emptiness of the year) dawns. If your goals for the year are unclear and you are a team leader, it is really important that you carve out some time to get clarity before the year passes you by. This is best done in a small group, with some data and a decent facilitator – give us a call if you need some help with that. Clarity of direction even in unclear conditions is a great performance catalyst.

If you have a sense of direction, are you clear about your role in 2025? What is the work that you will need to do, and what work will others do, to try to move forward? Will anything be different, or will you crack on the same way you did in 2024? This is the strategy question – how will we achieve the goals we set for ourselves? Are we and our teams clear about the “plays” or “patterns” we want to try this year? And.. do we have some way of telling whether we are making progress – in time to change our approach if it is not working, or to double down if it is?

Where do you put your money, where do you put your effort to make sure that 2025 is a great year for you, your colleagues, your clients and your firm? If you are unsure about any of this, then reach out to WorldsView Academy – we can jump in and help you to find the direction, the strategy, the leadership and the team dynamics that will jump-start your year, and even set you up for a dynamic 2026 – which will be upon us before you can say “what the heck happened to 2025?”

Good management, including good leadership, helps a good deal. Why not join us for our free, online conversation café on Wednesday 29th January at 09:00-10:30? We will discuss (debate perhaps) the topic “Is leadership development overcooked?” Are organisations over-investing in leadership development at the cost of management development? What is the difference and why should we care? Register here for our January 29th conversation café, and kick the year off with a critical look at one of our holy cows in organisation development and change.