In a recent conversation with a team leader at a prominent South African logistics company, a familiar challenge emerged: despite providing feedback, guidance, and tools, her team seemed reluctant to take ownership of their work. "They constantly look to me for direction when what I...

In a flash of the obvious, this week I came across research that moved my thinking on organisational strategy and design. For me, the linear progression from vision to strategy to structure had been a golden path. However – what I now realise is that...

On a clear, cold winters day in Cape Town twelve executives gathered in a large room. No PowerPoint presentations but plenty of flipchart and post it notes decorated the walls. The atmosphere was tense as the group worked on their strategic foundations. ...

This week our first OD café for 2024 marked the kick-off of the new year. We appreciate the colleagues and clients who graciously accepted our invitation and contributed their real-life experiences to enrich the discussion. We shared stories of successful leadership development and explored current...

I must admit that I had a somewhat snobbish attitude toward L&D. There – it's out there. I see myself as an OD practitioner in the glamorous world of organisational transformation, and I saw the L&D team as folks filling seats on training courses. I was...

This week I had the pleasure of witnessing two business partners reunite after they amicably parted to explore different paths for a few years. This to me proved that building and maintaining healthy professional relationships allows for endless possibilities.    In today's fast-paced and dynamic business landscape,...

Throughout the change management process, a structure should be put in place to measure the business impact of the changes and ensure that continued reinforcement opportunities exist to build proficiencies. You should also evaluate your change management plan to determine its effectiveness and document any...

Since the pandemic, employees are leaving the workforce or switching jobs in droves. For many, employers have played a big part in why they're walking away. There are a number of reasons people are seeking a change, in what some economists have dubbed the ‘Great Resignation’....

Ready to say adios to your job? You’re not alone. “The great resignation is coming,” says Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management at Texas A&M University who’s studied the exits of hundreds of workers.   “When there’s uncertainty, people tend to stay put, so there are...