Have you ever attended a workshop that was really interesting and fun, but nothing changed in your work life afterwards? Have you wondered why? At WorldsView Academy we are continually refining our approaches to help organisations thrive through individuals, teams, and ultimately, the organisation as a...

In this blog, Craig Yeatman explores a story of failure, which provided him with a good lesson in strategy and organisation design. This may be useful for executives looking for help with strategic alignment and organisational design, and for design practitioners. This is a part...

In a flash of the obvious, this week I came across research that moved my thinking on organisational strategy and design. For me, the linear progression from vision to strategy to structure had been a golden path. However – what I now realise is that...

“Design thinking is a waste of time”. “I don’t need my management team to co-design strategy, I know what needs to be done”. “There’s nothing wrong with our strategy, the problem is execution”. “I really need my management team to step up”. These are examples...

When it comes to leadership, possessing essential skills is crucial. At WorldsView, a key part of what we do is to impart knowledge and empower individuals and organisations. Recently, Craig Yeatman sparked a discussion on the importance of leaders having organisational design knowledge. How can you create...

We wonder whether a significant addition to the general strategy curriculum might be “strategic leadership as the execution of agile organisational design through teams.” The schools of organisational design and development need greater democratisation as “leadership” moves to all levels of the organisation. ...

Current leadership development programs treat leadership in a kind of “one size fits all” way. If you open the leadership development programs from 10 different providers you find much the same ingredients – flavoured to the individual delegates, but nevertheless much the same. This is...

Organisational development practitioners get very excited about the chance to work in full-scale organisational transformation. Organisational transformation is about significant and lasting change in the organisation. It usually involves redesigning what are sometimes called the higher order structural elements such as significant shifts in purpose,...

I must admit that I had a somewhat snobbish attitude toward L&D. There – it's out there. I see myself as an OD practitioner in the glamorous world of organisational transformation, and I saw the L&D team as folks filling seats on training courses. I was...