Nine Conversations

For organisations seeking sustainable, results-orientated leadership development, Nine Conversations in Leadership™ is an innovative intervention that acts as a catalyst for long-term leadership development throughout the organisation.


Unlike other leadership programmes, the Nine Conversations in Leadership™  intervention works at the levels of knowledge, values and behaviours to achieve holistic leadership growth.

What will be covered?

The intervention consists of nine facilitated conversations that occur within a small peer group (comprising of up to ten people), referred to as a leadership cell. The purpose of each conversation is to share and learn from one another’s leadership challenges and successes and to co-create ideas and solutions from shared learning and wisdom.


The Nine Conversations in Leadership™ intervention fuses organisational development and traditional training in a workshop format. It uses 360° feedback, peer coaching and personal development planning to create strong, committed and aligned leaders at all levels of the organisation.


The intervention examines leadership in the realms of Head (knowing), Heart (being) and Hands (doing). It brings participants together repeatedly, to explore and cover all aspects of leadership, from organisational leadership to team leadership and the leadership of individuals and self.


Leadership alignment is a critical component for harnessing organisational energy to achieve the organisation’s vision, values and strategy. The Nine Conversations in Leadership intervention assists organisations to achieve such alignment.


Self-assessment and peer feedback are key leadership development tools which constitute the foundations of self-leadership and whilst leaders develop through experience, they can accelerate their readiness to lead by receiving constructive feedback. Assessments are made in the areas of knowledge, attitude and behaviour, all of which are developed during the leadership journey.

Who should attend?

For organisations seeking sustainable, results-orientated leadership development.


Only highly qualified and experienced organisation development practitioners are appointed as Faculty in WorldsView Academy. Faculty members are selected in accordance with the specific module criteria as approved by the Academic Board.

Facilitator Accreditation

Become an accredited Nine Conversations in Leadership™ facilitator.