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A powerful and participative team development intervention that moves teams to purpose-led execution.


The intervention is applicable to natural task and project teams at every level of the organisation, utilising a team building process that adapts to the organisation’s and the team’s context. If you want to deliver great customer experiences, build great teams to deliver those experiences. If you want to build an organisation that is great at doing what it says it will do, focus on teams. That’s where the rubber hits the road. If you wish to have happy, hardworking people, make sure you develop the teams in your business, because that’s where you will find, and that’s how you will keep, these happy, hardworking people.


Great organisations are made of great teams. It’s as simple as that. Drive strategy execution through teams. Resolve team performance issues. Increase employee engagement. If teams are so wonderful, what can we do to make sure that we become great at creating teams? To get to a “high performing” team takes more than just throwing some talented people together. Purposeful Teams is a tried and tested way to make teams better.


The real work of organisations is done by teams.

How it works

2-day Purposeful Teams™ workshop:

  • Creates alignment around team purpose.
  • Develops team dynamics & team culture.
  • Bolsters team spirit.


+ 1-day follow-up workshop:

  • Assess team progress.
  • Identify challenges and issues.
  • Further develop team dynamics & team culture.

Presented by an Accredited Facilitator.

Develop teams faster

Teams naturally go through a development process, from Forming, through Storming and Norming, to Performing. Sometimes this process can derail, and sometimes a team can get stuck somewhere in the process. Purposeful Teams helps the team to move faster through this development process, and to get to the next level of performance more quickly.

High levels of participation & engagement

There’s a lot of talk about employee engagement, but the solution is really simple: create purposeful teams! If a team believes in their work, and work together well, they naturally have a better work experience, and they give their best. Purposeful Teams brings the best out of each team member. It helps every member to truly belong to the team, to believe in the team, and to work out how to best work with each other to be successful.

Focused on the real work of the team

When we work on real stuff and make progress with it, we become highly energised. In Purposeful Teams we focus on what really matters: Why do you exist as a team, and what do you aim to achieve? How do you agree to work together to build trust, resolve conflict, and work together more effectively? Purposeful Teams makes an immediate impact on how effective and healthy you are as a team.

Sustainable results

How do you keep it going after the initial excitement, especially when things get difficult?


Purposeful Teams™ helps you to put in place ways to stay on track and to continue learning as a team:

  • Practices for checking in on progress and remaining focused on results.
  • Norms for how we engage with each other.
  • A team culture of ownership and accountability.
Who should attend?

Members of organisations wishing to achieve strategic goals through the use of effective teams.


Only highly qualified and experienced organisation development practitioners are appointed as Faculty in WorldsView Academy. Faculty members are selected in accordance with the specific module criteria as approved by the Academic Board.

Facilitator Accreditation

Become and accredited Purposeful Teams facilitator.